Can I preview how my fan will look?
Yes, you can ask us for a digital sample in which we will place your design. Or you can do it by downloading our
templates and with a design editing program.
How many models do you have?
We have 9 fan models with different possibilities of materials and printing techniques. You can see all the possibilities in our
Can I see the price rates?
Email us to info@abaldint.com and we will provide the price quote you need.
Can I request a physical sample?
Yes, we can do a physical sample of your fan. See the costs on our price rates, this cost depends of the print and the model.
How much are the shipping costs?
Check our rates for transportation costs in our information department: info@abaldint.com
If you have any other doubts please email us at info@abaldint.com and we will be happy to answer your questions.